Description & technical data sheet of product
Producto RDA

Self-compensable Dropper

Gotero Autocompensable con un flujo de 8 Litros por hora.

Key Product

APLICATIONS: Recommended for gardens, fruit plants, plantations, nurseries and green areas creation.

STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTICS: EThe dropper can be opened to be cleaned, Manufactured with Virgin plastic, to get stable efficiency.

urbulent flow route with a wide transversal section, which secures the resistance against seals. The wide output makes the usage of extension polyethylene pipes easier.

La salida amplia facilita el uso de tubos de extensión de polietileno.

Stretch cross-shape input which acts as a red filter that identifies the flow identification.

Work pressure: 0,5 A 2,5Bar
Requirements of filtration: 120 Mesh, 130 Mi
Required Piercing Diameter: 2,9mm